Syngenta – A20380A – Advion Fire Ant Bait – Insecticide – 2lb



Advion fire ant bait effective and fast acting. Combined with an alluring formulation Advion ensures control of imported fire ants in 24-72 hours for fast colony control.
Broadcast or mound treatment
Recreation areas as well as institutional or private service areas
Other noncrop/nongrazed areas
Effective on all life stages

Advion fire ant bait is an effective fast-acting bait with an alluring formulation. Advion fire ant bait ensures total colony control within 24-72 hours.

It is important to remember that to use Advion Fire Ant Bait for sod farms and pastures grazed by horses and other companion animals the applicator must have the approved supplemental label with them at the time of application.

Fast acting effective fire ant bait

Item Form:Granules|Item Weight:2 Pounds|Brand:Advion|Specification Met:EPA|Target Species:Insects

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